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Oberon’s Attendance Procedures

Excused absences

  • Up to four (4) excused absences are allowed per semester
    • After four absences, initial contact is made by the student’s counselor to help support healthy, consistent student attendance through a greater understanding of the Jeffco and Oberon attendance policies.
  • Up to seven (7) total excused absences are allowed per school year
    • After seven absences, contact will be made by the student’s assistant principal to help support healthy and consistent attendance through problem-solving.
  • After 10 excused absences during the school year, an initial attendance letter will be mailed home informing families of the requirement for compulsory attendance.

Unexcused absences

  • At the second (2) unexcused absence at any point during the school year, initial contact is made by the student’s counselor to help support healthy, consistent student attendance through a greater understanding of the Jeffco and Oberon attendance policies.
  • At the third (3) unexcused absence at any point during the school year, additional contact is made by the student’s assistant principal to help support healthy, consistent attendance through problem-solving.
  • For the total of four (4) unexcused absences during the school year, an initial attendance letter will be mailed home informing families of the requirement for compulsory attendance.

Habitually truant

If absences continue, the student may be classified as “habitual truancy” which may initiate the truancy process. An Oberon Truancy Intervention Team made up of the student’s counselor, assistant principal and often a trusted adult the student has a connection with will work with the family to establish a truancy intervention plan.

  • The student is placed on a medical letter (any further absences will require a doctor’s note).
  • The district nurse will be notified and could support the student's medical needs.

If absences continue, the established truancy intervention plan will continue to guide action planning and problem-solving conversations to support the student and family with the required and important compulsory attendance.

  • The Truancy Intervention Team continues to re-evaluate the truancy intervention plan.
  • The student is placed on a compulsory letter and truancy action planning will continue.

Pre-arranged absence

If you know your student will be absent, please complete the Oberon pre-arranged absence form and return it to the school in advance.

Oberon’s Pre-Arranged Absence Form

District Board Policy

Attendance in Jeffco

The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.

It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.